Thursday 19 April 2007

Some thoughts on fasting

Just to recommend some interesting ideas from Dallas Willard (one of the co-founders of Renovare), here's some excerpts from an article in his website:

"Fasting is another long proven way of finding our way into Sabbath, where we live and do our work from the hand of God. In fasting we abstain from our ordinary food to some significant degree and for some significant length of time. Like solitude and silence, it is not done to impress God or merit favor, nor because there is anything wrong with food. Rather, it is done that we may consciously experience the direct sustenance of God to our body and our whole person...

"Fasting is, indeed, feasting. When we have learned well to fast, we will not suffer from it. It will bring strength and joy. We will not be miserable, and so Jesus tells us not to look miserable. (Matt 6:16) Was he suggesting that we fake a condition of joy and sufficiency when we fast? Surely not. He knew that we would "have meat to eat" that others "know not of." "

Interesting isn't it? The idea that fasting will bring strength and joy! That is why clearly those who put on a show of suffering while fasting clearly miss the point. They do it for merit. But in fact, the act itself brings us closer to God and we dwell in His presence... which is the reward itself! Not that we are legalists who try to "earn" grace, but that carrying out such activities like fasting is ITSELF beneficial and a vehicle for God's grace - i.e. His power acting in our lives.

For full article (also covers solitude & silence) :

Here's also another quote from a Christianity Today article (

"Fasting is "prime self-denial," a way to expose "how much of our peace depends upon the pleasures of eating."

So when we abandon the pleasures of the flesh as a form of satisfying ourselves (i.e. the pleasures of eating), we can experience the joy of fellowship with the Lord, accessing the strength that comes from the Kingdom. Again another illustration of what Jesus described as trading our heavy yokes (of bondage of pleasures of eating) with his yoke which is light (freedom from bondage of eating pleasures and strength from His presence).

Of course, everything in context. There is a time & place for feasting, and some people need to eat more. But for many of us in modern city life, we have way too much to eat for our own good, and put too much primacy on a good meal.

Friday 13 April 2007

Spiritual Discipline - The 12 Disciplines

Hi guys,

Just to give you some info as to what all the 12 spiritual disciplines we will be studying in the next couple of months or so...

1. Meditation (done)
2. Prayer (done)
3. Fasting - Jenny
4. Study - Janet

5. Simplicity - Ginny
6. Solitude (done)
7. Submission - Jenny
8. Service - Janet

9. Confession - Ginny
10. Worship - Jenny
11. Guidance - Janet
12. Celebration - Ginny

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Dear Encounters,

Our beloved CG leader is having his exams in just under a week. Those of us at cell yesterday decided to create a prayer chain for him this week. Please feel free to slot yourselves in anywhere you can:

Thursday 12April - Jenny
Friday 13April - Lydia
Saturday 14April - Irwin
Sunday 15April - Ginny
Monday 16April - Charles
Tuesday 17April - Hanna
Wednesday 18April (EXAM DAY 9:30-12:45) - Charmaine, Sunny

Love, Hanna.